7 Best Hair Treatments You Should Try

Damaged hair got you down? Unfortunately, most of the things we do on a daily basis cause hair damage. Everything from styling, coloring, and sun exposure to swimming can cause our hair to lose its natural luster and crinkle up into a dry, tangled mess. Fortunately, there are many different treatments that can help reverse your bad hair day blues. 

Whether you are looking for an at-home DIY treatment or a product for daily use, we’ll cover everything you need to know about hair treatments. Don’t worry! With just a little bit of care, your hair will be looking shiny, healthy, and radiant in no time. Just sit back and treat yourself to some hair-centric self-care.

Table of Contents

    Hair care starts from the inside out

    As much as we’d all like for hair care to be as simple as using one miracle product to solve all of our problems, it is not that simple. No matter what products or treatments you use, healthy hair starts on the inside. A healthy diet is essential to brag-worthy hair–think of it as an internal hair treatment.  

    Hair is made up primarily of proteins, and a protein-deficient diet can lead to weak, brittle hair. Boosting your protein intake can help your body build stronger, healthier hair. Speak to your doctor or a nutritionist about the right protein intake for you, but a general rule of thumb is to eat at least 45 grams of protein every day. As an added bonus, your new protein-rich diet can also help to strengthen your nails, boost your energy, and help your body build muscle. 

    Zinc is another important dietary factor for hair care, as a zinc deficiency has been known to cause hair to shed easily. Make sure to eat healthy nuts like brazil nuts, walnuts, pecans, cashews, and almonds. All of these nuts are rich in zinc and will help to keep you from becoming zinc deficient. 

    Are you getting your omega-3s? Increasing your omega-3 fatty acid intake may stimulate your hair follicles and promote a healthy scalp. A healthy scalp is essential to healthy hair. After all, you can’t grow a healthy plant without healthy roots. 

    Remember, hair care starts from within. Ensuring that you eat a healthy diet is a great way to improve the health of your hair, skin, and nails from the inside out. 

    DIY at home treatments

    There is nothing quite like treating yourself to a spa day in the comfort of your own home. You can light a candle, draw up a bath, and pamper yourself from head to toe. 

    While we often indulge in face masks, skin exfoliating, and nail painting, we often forget about our crowning glory—our hair. Luckily, there are tons of great DIY recipes that you can cook up with common pantry staples that will give your hair the special treatment it deserves.

    1. Hot oils

    Olive oil is a popular at-home remedy for dry hair, but you can use any oil that’s rich in vitamin E and antioxidants for this technique. Coconut, almond, castor, or jojoba oil will all work to seal the outer layer (or cuticle) of your hair to lock in moisture. 

    Slightly heat up one cup of your chosen oil (make sure to test the temperature before touching and do not boil), and then use your hands to massage it into your hair. Wrap your hair in a shower cap and leave this treatment on for 45 minutes or overnight.

    2. Eggs

    This breakfast time favorite is rich in protein that will moisturize and fortify dry, brittle hair. Simply mix up one egg white with two tablespoons of room temperature water. Massage it into your hair and scalp, then leave the mixture on for several minutes. 

    Make sure to rinse your hair with cool water. Hot water will scramble the eggs in your hair—and we definitely want to avoid that! Shampoo your hair and condition as usual. 

    3. Honey

    For an added moisture boost, combine the moisturizing powers of eggs with honey and olive oil. Mix three eggs in a bowl—yolks and all—with two tablespoons of olive oil and one tablespoon of honey. Apply the mixture to your hair and cover with a shower cap for 30 minutes to an hour. Rinse out with cold water and then shampoo thoroughly. 

    4. Avocado

    Unwanted frizzy hair? Try taming it with avocado—no, it’s not just for delicious toast. Mash one medium-sized avocado with two to four tablespoons of coconut oil. This mask should have a creamy consistency, so be careful not to make it runny. 

    Apply liberally to your hair and scalp, cover with a shower cap, and let sit for 20 to 30 minutes. Rinse out and shampoo hair thoroughly for best results.

    5. Aloe vera

    Trying to grow your hair out to Rapunzel lengths? Or perhaps you’re trying to counteract thinning hair. Aloe vera has been used to help with hair loss for hundreds of years. It is also great for soothing the scalp and unblocking hair follicles that may be blocked by oils. 

    Apply pure aloe vera gel to your hair and scalp a few times a week as a soothing treatment to help with hair growth.

    Best treatment products

    If the idea of cooking something up in your kitchen seems daunting, you may want to focus on using products as a way to treat your hair to a spa day. 

    Here at Prose, we create products with natural ingredients specifically designed for your hair’s needs. So, no need to guess what ingredients are best for your hair type. Simply fill out our hair consultation, and our hair care professionals will take care of the rest.

    6. Hair oil

    Hair oil is especially great for hair that is dry and dull. Hair oil protects your hair strands and smooths away frizz. You can use it several different ways, to tame frizz (when you are styling your hair) or as a pre-shampoo treatment. You can even use it to protect your hair when you are getting your hair colored. Apply it before you go to your appointment and have the colorist apply the color directly over your hair oil. 

    To use hair oil as a pre-shampoo treatment, simply apply hair oil to your hair and let it sit for 20 minutes before you get in the shower. With this technique, you will need to use a generous amount of oil (10-20 drops). This is a great way to lock in moisture, prevent frizz, and detangle knots.

    7. Hair mask

    A custom hair mask is also a great solution if you don’t want to cook up your own recipes. Hair masks work similarly to any other treatment. Just apply them to damp hair from root to tip and let them soak in before you shower and shampoo your hair. How long you leave your mask on will vary from mask to mask. 

    Using a pre-shampoo hair mask has countless benefits, such as locking in moisture and improving overall scalp and hair health.

    And that’s a wrap

    Indulging in a hair treatment is the perfect addition to any self-care routine. No matter what your personal hair needs are, there are plenty of different hair care treatment options, so find the right one for you and get ready for the hair of your dreams. 

    If you are looking for a versatile product that is no-fuss, we highly recommend using a custom hair oil. You can’t go wrong with a product that covers a lot of bases. Here’s to your new shiny, moisturized, healthy hair!

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