Down to the Root: Corey Rae on Fighting for Equity and Equality for the Trans Community

Background check
Being an activist, actress, model, speaker, and writer, your career is insanely multifaceted. Is there a branch of your career that you’re most passionate about?
By nature I’m a very passionate person, I give my all to anything I do that brings me joy. I really love modeling, it’s incredibly empowering, and when I’m inspired I love writing—but right now I’m most passionate about acting and public speaking. I love to entertain and they both give me such a thrill!
What message are you trying to relay to your audience through the content on your channels?
That trans people are people. We are human beings like anyone else and we deserve to be seen and treated as such. We deserve more than “acceptance” or “tolerance.” We need active allyship. We need everyone to stand up and fight with us, because we still need equity and equality. I really hope people will feel inspired to care more about the LGBTQIA+ community from my channels.

Think fast
Who makes you feel most yourself?
My friends, definitely. I love my family, but I’ve worked really hard on crafting a wonderful crew of friends; all from different parts of my life. Not only do they love and support and understand me unconditionally, but they all love each other as well. One of the reasons I do what I do, is because I know first hand how crucial that support system is, and I want this level of happiness and success for all trans people.
What is something you can’t live without doing every day?
Stretching…and having some form of sweets, I have such a big sweet tooth! Life’s about balance, right?
When do you feel the most challenged?
Currently, when I’m auditioning or when I’m writing. I started acting during the pandemic and it is most definitely challenging in new ways for me. I also feel challenged when I write on assignment or deadline, or when I’m trying to detangle a storyline web in screenwriting.

Where do you feel most at home?
Honestly, in my bedroom here in California. I love New York and was raised mostly on the East Coast, but I’m a California girl originally. I recently finished decorating my home and for the first time it finally feels like my own space that reflects my personal aesthetic. I always used to say I wanted to live in LA in my 20s, and I am definitely loving living out that dream now.
Why do you do what you do, professionally speaking?
My ultimate goal is to help change the world for the better. My passions lay within helping the transgender community, the enviornment, our worlds social and political climate, and so much more. I want to be a person of prominence in order to bring about this positive, progressive change. I realized that in order to make all of that possible, I need to have a massive platform. Social media is an awesome start, but the reason why I fell in love with the entertainment industry (aka making films in Hollywood) is because the media industry is really the center of the world. Film and television, specifically, are the way to make a global impact and reintroduce the way people think of transgender people.

Hairy details
What’s your hair routine like? Are you a minimalist or maximalist when it comes to your strands?
I recently became a maximalist! I’ve always cared about my hair care routine because my mom is a hairstylist, but I started to care more about my hair health during the pandemic. I’ve gotten more into the styling rather than a quick, rough blow dry. My typical routine now is to shampoo and condition my hair every other day, or everyday depending on my schedule, towel dry my hair (usually while doing a face mask), then I work through a heat protectant, and oil on my ends. I’ll blow it out or as of very recently, curl it afterward, which I’ve never done myself before this month!
Do you have any beauty hacks that you think people should know about?
Maybe not a hack but product suggestions? I love the Revlon hair dryer brush, it’s what I started using at the beginning of the pandemic. I also love the Beachwaver, which is what I’ve been using the past few weeks to curl my hair! After I blow out my hair with the dryer brush, I use the Beachwaver for a fun, effortless wavy summer look… #notanad 🙂
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