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How to Get My Curls Back After Chemical Straightener Treatment

December 11, 2024

6 Min read

For many people, the secret to smooth, shiny hair lies in a stylist administered treatment that keeps their strands frizz and curl-free for months—or even longer if they go down the relaxer route. This can help make hair easier to manage while also providing a new look. But, since it’s human nature to want what we don’t have, many eventually choose to revert to their natural texture leaving them with the challenge of how to bring curls back without damaging the hair.

How to get my curls back – is it even possible?

If you’ve been frantically scanning search results on how to revive curls to their former glory – you’re not alone. And, the good news is that it is possible in many cases. But, in order to determine how to bring back natural curls, you first need to understand the type of chemical straightening that occurred.

The main difference to be aware of when considering how to revive curls after straightening is whether or not you used a relaxer. In the case of keratin treatment, it will  naturally fade out after a few months. But when it comes to chemically relaxed hair (keratin’s unyielding cousin), the transition isn’t nearly as seamless.

What is a relaxer?

A relaxer is a chemical that permanently uncurls hair. Think of it as a reverse perm. 

Prose Director of Education and a veteran stylist, Faith Huffnagle says the most important thing to remember is that relaxers are irreversible. “The only way to get rid of one is to wait for it to grow out.”

So, if you’re wondering how to bring curls back after a relaxer-based straightening treatment – you’re in for a long wait.

How does a relaxer work?

The strands on our head are made of keratin proteins which are held together by disulfide bonds that give hair its elasticity, strength, and curl pattern. How curly your hair is depends on the number of disulfide bonds it has. By chemically breaking down these bonds with a relaxer, the keratin can be realigned and straightened. These kinds of relaxers are most popular for thick, Afro-Caribbean hair. The solution is applied at the scalp then pulled through to rearrange the strands in a straight line. The process needs to be repeated every eight weeks to address regrowth.

What are the risks of using a relaxer?

Because there’s some inevitable overlap, relaxer-based  treatments are known to damage and overstretch individual hair shafts, making them increasingly prone to fissures and breakage. While home kits are readily available and cost-effective, these products also make it easy to over process the hair. Another risky relaxer move includes not waiting the recommended amount of time between touch-ups.

What isn’t a relaxer?

Japanese Straightening/Thermal Reconditioning:

This process uses chemicals and heat to alter the structure of hair, loosening hair proteins, then reshaping hair cells. It can be damaging, but many consider it worthwhile for six to seven months of stick-straight strands. Once the treatment fades out, the hair will return to its original texture. No need to worry about how to get my curls back – it will happen naturally – especially if you take care of it with the right hair care products.

Keratin Treatment/Brazilian Straightening:

A coating of keratin is painted and sealed onto the hair shaft, creating a moisture barrier that reduces frizz and gives hair a shiny finish. Typical results last around three months.  This then gently fades out as the hair goes back to its natural structure. Again, no need to stress out about how to get my curls back after straightening – let nature (and a good leave-in conditioner) do its thing. 

How to get my curls back after non-relaxer straightening

As non-relaxer straightening like keratin treatment simply fades over time, there’s nothing you need to do except wait. However, there are a few things you can do to help your curls bounce back and encourage a healthy and luscious recovery to your hair’s former glory. This can include using products like curl cream and a custom conditioner. Just like the rest of your body, your hair needs nourishment – so keep this in mind when you’re selecting your hair care products.

How to get my natural curls back after straightening it with a relaxer

So, the good news first: even if you used a relaxer, your natural texture will return eventually. The bad news: it’s going to take some time to return to a full head of curls – especially if you’re waiting for it to happen by regrowth alone.

As new hair grows, the texture will come in just as you remember. The section that was relaxed, however, will remain straight. Many women choose to cut some of their hair to speed up the process. Or, you can try trimming a little off the ends after each shampoo to slowly whittle away the over-processed ends. But, if that’s too dramatic, twist outs, flat twists, protective styling, and curl cream hacks work great to disguise the two opposing textures as well as hide compromised and weakened ends.

There will be a very weakened line of demarcation where the relaxed hair and new growth meet that can easily snap. Additionally, hair will have two different pHs with relaxed hair being very alkaline and fresh growth more acidic. This can make it challenging to find the right cleansing, conditioning, and styling products..

During the growing out phase, you’ll want to avoid heat, harsh chemicals (including keratin treatments), extensions, or anything else that puts undue stress or  pulls and tugs at hair. Nourishing and conditioning ingredients will help to keep the hair from breaking off prematurely. For this awkward phase, we recommend botanical ingredients like maracuja oil to restore hair’s strength and hyaluronic acid to deeply moisturize hair fibers.

More  pro tips on how to revive curls

  • Keep hair pinned or tucked away during the growing-out phase
  • Make use of nourishing hair oils and masks
  • Sleep with a silk wrap or pillowcase to eliminate friction
  • Minimize the use of heat styling tools
  • Keep hairstyles on the looser side—tight ponytails will put tension on strands
  • Get regular trims until all the relaxed ends are gone
  • Avoid sleeping on wet hair

Bring back your natural curls with a little help from Prose

Revive your hair and bring back the look you love with a customized hair care routine designed especially for you. From shampoos and conditioners with serious moisturizing powers to styling gels for curly hair, we can help you curate a hair care routine that works for you. Get started on the road to hair redemption now with a Prose hair care consultation



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  1. Great article, except for one important error. Thermal Reconditioning / Japanese Straightening is completely permanent. The treatment does not fade after 6-7 months. While new growth will have the hair’s original texture, but the treated hair is straightened forever and won’t even hold a curl from a curling iron. Keratin treatments, however, do fade away and leave you with your original texture, unless you are unlucky enough to end up with heat damage.