The Prose Team on What International Women’s Day Means to Them

Essence Gant, Director of Ad Studio

To me International Women’s Day is a day to celebrate and also to roll up my sleeves and get to work. It’s the day specifically dedicated to amplifying the achievements of girls and women who contribute to the advancement of our society. And it’s the day we, women and allies, raise awareness around issues that affect the welfare of girls and women.
– Essenece Gant, Director of Ad Studio
Varsh Srivatsan, Senior Product Manager

As an international WOC, IWD is a day of reflection and celebration of all gender identities who put in the hard work day to day in support of gender equality. It’s also our time to thank those who’ve paved the path for us to move forward.
– Varsh Srivatsan, Senior Product Manager
Katherine Martinez, Senior CS Associate

Equal rights and representation for women of all colors, shapes, and sizes should be glorified every day—especially on International Women’s Day. It is a day to celebrate, be immensely proud of, and empower ourselves and the women around us. To me, this day is a reminder that the only thing holding us back is the self-doubt rooted in us, simply because we were born in a body that defines us as women. The possibilities for us women are endless if we amplify our voices together and challenge each other to stand up for ourselves, always.
– Katherine Martinez, Senior CS Associate
Diane Kim, VP of People & Culture

It’s a great reminder of all that we have accomplished throughout history and all that we take for granted. I am grateful to be a woman living and working in America today where I have a voice. And I should be using that voice to advocate for those who are not in the spaces I’m in.
– Diane Kim, VP of People & Culture
Carly Rappoport, Senior Public Relations Manager

“To me, International Women’s Day means celebrating the achievements of female role models and trailblazers, cherishing my personal female relationships and giving thanks to women everywhere—all over the world. Being a woman is an extraordinary thing and we should all remember that on this day and every day.”
– Carly Rappoport, Senior Public Relations Manager
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