The Prose Scalp Mask Is Now Certified Microbiome-Friendly

So, you’re the founder of MyMicrobiome. What exactly is a microbiome and where does it exist on the body?
The microbiome is the collection of all genomes of the bacteria, viruses, and fungi that live in and on our bodies. So, imagine your whole body is covered with a carpet, consisting of bacteria, fungi, and viruses. This layer of carpeting, so to speak, interacts with us and our immune system. The majority of microbes live in our gut, but our skin is also completely covered with them and without it we wouldn’t be able to survive.
Why is a healthy microbiome important?
A healthy microbiome starts from birth and is directly impacted by our environment. Microbes teach our immune system how to develop the right way and also support it when defending from harmful, pathogenic invaders. The microbiome also helps us to break down nutrients and to synthesize vitamins. In addition, it also actively defends us against pathogens with, for example, antimicrobial peptides. It helps to create a certain environment on our skin, for example a low pH, which won’t allow for bad bacteria to grow. It’s a very complex interaction between microbes and our bodies. We’re just beginning to understand the nuances, but we do know a lot about it already and it’s clear that in order to build a healthy immune system and not become allergic to everything, a healthy microbiome is crucial. It’s also connected to diseases like gut inflammation, autoimmune disorders and even psychological diseases like depression and anxiety.
Oh, that’s interesting. I wouldn’t have guessed that. When did you begin studying the microbiome?
It’s been seven years now. I was working within a company where we were developing antimicrobials. One project focused on wound care and we found that if we were able to selectively delete harmful, pathogenic bacteria in a wound, the wound would heal really quickly. We cured wounds that were chronic or had existed for months, even years prior within just a few weeks. This phenomenon is only explainable through the microbiome. After we removed the pathogenic bacteria, the body was able to heal itself together with the microbiome. So, the microbiome was always in my mind when developing those antibacterials.Â
About three years ago, I started to realize that scientists, even microbiologists like myself, did not fully understand the microbiome and its importance. So, I started our MyMicrobiome website to raise awareness around it. As I dug deeper into the subject I found that the cosmetics industry was actually already pushing microbiome claims.
Were the claims you saw correct?
Ah, good question. Unfortunately, most microbiome-friendly claims are put out for the sake of marketing and not science. Currently, there’s no one really controlling what these companies can and cannot claim. I mean there are a handful of companies, including large ones, that do research the microbiome, but still the products that they put out on the market are not necessarily microbiome-friendly. Especially if you look at probiotics and prebiotics within the cosmetics sector. It’s mostly marketing rather than verified by science.
What are a few everyday products that we use that contain substances that can potentially harm the microbiome?
A lot of creams and body lotions that you buy right off the shelf have a shelf life of over a year or more because of preservatives. So, the product is made to have a long shelf life sans-bacteria growth, but the antimicrobial activity in those products is also killing the bacteria and fungi on your skin. On top of that, surfactants, fragrances and also essential oils can be detrimental to your microbes.
What’s the difference between the microbiome on one’s face, body, and scalp?
They’re all completely different ecosystems. They can vary from your face, back, upper legs, inside your mouth, and so on. They all contain a specific colonization of key microbial species.
What kind of effects could poor microbiome scalp health have on your hair?
There’s a lot of diversity when it comes to the fungi that lives on your scalp and it’s all about keeping the levels of those fungi balanced. If a certain kind of fungus grows too much, even one that’s deemed to be good, it could have harmful effects, like dry or oily skin.Â
Can you detail the testing process that determined our scalp mask to be microbiome-friendly?
Yes, so in order to certify the Prose scalp mask as microbiome-friendly, we tested the effect it had on specific kinds of microbes. Since the mask is scalp-specific we tested it on bacteria and fungi that pertains to that area of skin. We wanted to see how the product would affect their growth. In the past we’ve tested scalp products, like certain shampoos, that have turned out to be way too harsh and actually kill off all the microbes, good and bad, on the scalp. We want to stay far away from that. However, if a product has a slight effect on bacteria growth due to the active ingredients it contains, that’s fine. In order for a product to fully work, some shift in growth is alright. That’s exactly what we found with the Prose scalp mask—it had a slight influence on the bacteria’s growth, but not too much. It’s all about striking a balance to keep the microbiome alive and healthy.Â
The Prose scalp mask is customized to each individual. Why is personalization important when it comes to the health and balance of one’s microbiome?
Everyone’s microbiome is different and has various complexities, that’s why personalization is key. However, I will note that the deeper into the layers of skin that you go, the more commonalities you will see from person to person via their microbiome. We all share a common set of bacteria that is apparent when you look deep into the layers of skin, but, when looking at the top layers of skin that are impacted directly by external factors, the difference from microbiome to microbiome becomes clear.Â
Environmental factors, such as pollution and weather, can directly affect the microbiome and change its makeup. For example, if one person rides the subway to work and touches a railing in the station and another person rides their bike to work and doesn’t come in contact with that railing, the bacteria that these two people have touched is different and therefore the makeup of their microbiome is different. A person’s genes also influence the microbial composition on one’s body.Â
Ensure your microbiome gets the personalized attention it deserves (and needs) with the Prose scalp mask. It’ll help you strike the perfect balance every time.
Please tell me more about the scalp mask. Does it go on wet hair only? How long do you leave it on?
Does it smell good or like probiotics? I really think I need this product, but want to know the logistics.
For ex, I go to a beauty salon every week where they wash and blowdry my hair, would I need to wet my hair and apply this mask beforehand?
I’ve scoured the product detail page. Where can I find directions on how to use the scalp mask?
Hi Edna, so sorry you haven’t been able to find how to use your Pre-Shampoo Scalp Mask! We’d be happy to provide you with instructions:
1. Scoop the desired amount onto fingertips and gently massage into a damp scalp until the jojoba beads dissolve and a light foam forms.
2. Leave it on for 5-15 minutes.
3. Rinse with warm water, follow with your usual shampoo and conditioner routine.
We hope this helps!
-Keely, Prose Community Manager
How often should this product be applied?
Hi! We recommend using your Pre-Shampoo Scalp Mask 1-2x per week 🙂
-Keely, Prose SEO & Community Manager
I came to the site specifically to find out how long to leave the scalp mask on. Three minutes? 10 minutes? ——. I actually just saw the answer in the questions below. May I suggest adding to the website so people don’t have to hunt for it?
How long do you leave on scalp before washing? I wish you had instructions on the label on your website.
Hi Lira! We recommend leaving your Pre-Shampoo Scalp Mask on for 10-20 minutes before washing it out and shampooing as usual.
-Keely, SEO & Community Manager
I’m excited to try the mask I just purchased, but I have no idea how to use it. No instructions came with the mask, and none are printed on the jar. I scoured the website trying to find instructions for use. I finally discovered this blog, and instructions for use are posted as an answer to another reader’s question. Additionally, I had to read answers to two different readers to figure out if I’m to use the product on wet hair or dry hair. I’d like to respectfully suggest that instructions for using every Prose product be posted on the website. Even if it’s shampoo or conditioner, there is a right and wrong way to use those products. I hope to see instructions on the website soon! Thank you!
Hello! I just received my products and I have noticed on the blog many are asking for the instructions for the products to be posted somewhere. I would suggest on the label of the products please!!
Finally, this is where I found how to use my mask. Why aren’t the directions available with the product?
Hi Sam!
When you receive new products, you’ll get a paper in your box explaining how to use the products. Once you re-order your products, we send your a QR code to the instructions to reduce paper waste. However, if you ever need help, please email us at Thanks! 🙂
-Keely, Prose Senior Manager of Social Media + Community
Ridiculous that I had to search and search before finding the directions on this blog as to how to use the mask. Multiple folks have suggested adding the directions to the website and/or the label but this hasn’t been done. It should be. Is there a reason for not adding the directions? A slip of paper added to the shipped product is unacceptable as it is mor than likely thrown away with the packaging. Please, think about your customers and add it.
Hi Carol! Thank you for your feedback, we will share this with our team.
I find it totally ridiculous that there is no instructions on these products I too had to look at the blog to find out how to use the mask. Unfortunately I put it on dry hair and just left it on there. I had no idea about the little beads in there and damp hair and Massaged until it foams and I did not get any instructions with my order on how do use the shampoo, the conditioner or the mask you folks not only need to put it on the website you need to put it in the product as well.
Hi Ivy! We’re sorry to hear this. Your order should have come with a left let with instructions or you can also scan the QR code on you box or products. We be happy to assist you further with any additional needs. Please email us at
Also, I have never sent this before and I’m getting a Feedback that I’ve already sent this. I find it totally ridiculous that there is no instructions on these products I too had to look at the blog to find out how to use the mask. Unfortunately I put it on dry hair and just left it on there. I had no idea about the little beads in there and damp hair and Massaged until it foams and I did not get any instructions with my order on how do use the shampoo, the conditioner or the mask you folks not only need to put it on the website you need to put it in the product as well.