The Ultimate Summer Skincare Guide & Tips

Summer fun is good for the soul—but not so much for the skin. Your cold-weather routine might not be equipped to handle the harsh effects of poolside afternoons and beach days. To protect your complexion, you’ll need to upgrade your summer skincare. 

Develop your summer routine with the help of this comprehensive guide. Then, visit Prose for products tailored specifically to your skincare needs.

Table of Contents

    Slather on the Sunscreen

    Sunscreen matters all year round, but in the summer, it’s fundamental. Too much sun exposure causes skin to age faster and can lead to serious health conditions. Whenever you step outside, cover any exposed skin with a layer of SPF. 

    Opt for a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30, and apply it as the last step in your skincare routine. Besides your face and neck, make sure to cover your ears, lips and hands. Take it a step further by adding some UV-blocking products to your hair routine, like this specially formulated Leave-In Conditioner from Prose. 

    Don’t forget to reapply your sunscreen after a couple of hours. Consider setting an alarm to alert you when your protection has worn off. 

    Don’t Skip the Moisturizer

    Sweat and humidity mean your face may not dry out like it does in the winter. But that doesn’t mean you can stop moisturizing. Besides keeping your skin hydrated, moisturizer also helps restore your skin’s outermost layer, protecting it from foundational damage. To prevent oiliness, skip the heavy creams for a lightweight moisturizer that won’t weigh you down. 

    Shorten Your Showers

    It’s tempting to indulge in a long, hot shower after a day spent soaking up the sun. But too many of these can dry out your skin and may lead to inflammation. 

    Limit your showers to no more than one each day, and avoid turning up the temperature too high. Once you’re out, make sure to apply a lightweight lotion to stay hydrated. 

    Add Sun Protection to Your Wardrobe

    Keep your skin healthy by bringing some sun protection to your summer fits. Choose lightweight fabrics like cotton, which contains natural UV blockers that can mitigate sun damage. And have your sunglasses handy to cover up the sensitive skin around your eyes. Experiment with summer hairstyles that incorporate accessories like hats and head scarves. These can shield your face and provide some much-needed protection to your scalp—after all, hair care is skincare

    Exfoliate Regularly

    Sweat and sunscreen can clog your pores without proper washing. Give your skin a detox by exfoliating regularly. 

    Exfoliating once or twice per week in the summer can open up clogged skin, reducing unwanted heaviness. Just don’t overdo it or you could wind up drying out your complexion. Don’t forget to give your scalp some attention. Excess sweat can clog your hair follicles, making your shampoo less effective. Opt for a mask you can apply before you wash for a gentle detox that will leave your scalp feeling clean and refreshed. 

    Switch to Lightweight Makeup

    If makeup is part of your normal routine, summer’s heat and humidity can pose a problem. The wrong products can clog your skin, leaving your face feeling heavy. Avoid this by choosing non-comedogenic products that won’t obstruct pores. These include things like power sunscreens and oil-free primers. 

    Invest in Some Summer Skincare

    As the weather warms up, your routine might need a complete overhaul. Care for your complexion by opting for summer skincare products tailored to the season. 

    Looking to manage humidity and oily skin? A custom cleanser containing caviar lime extract for gentle exfoliation is ideal for every time you wash.

    A summer-specific cleanser is a good base for your seasonal routine, but a serum can add another layer of enhancement. Prose’s custom serum can help you address your summer skin concerns, from blemishes to hyperpigmentation. 

    Those with acne-prone skin can incorporate products with niacinamide into their routines in response to excess sweat and humidity. As the seasons change, so does your complexion. Keep your skin healthy and happy all summer long with custom skincare products from Prose. Get started on your skin consultation now to find the right summer skincare routine for you.

    Prose Custom BeautyFind your perfect summer skincare routine.Take the consultation today!