If You Have To, Here’s How to Sleep with Wet Hair

Why is it Bad to Sleep with Wet Hair?
Is it OK to sleep with wet hair? The short answer is, not really. Hair is more fragile and vulnerable to breakages when it’s wet. It could also open the door to bacteria growth and exacerbate dandruff and other scalp conditions.
So, all in all, sleeping with wet hair is not ideal and should be avoided whenever possible.
How to Sleep with Wet Hair – If You Really Must
Going to sleep with wet hair doesn’t have the best reputation within the hair care world, but sometimes spending 15 minutes blow drying your hair before bed just isn’t possible. If you do find yourself in a damp-hair predicament before bed, fear not—below are some tips on how to sleep with wet hair. These will help you to minimize damage and give your hair the best chance at recovering from sleeping with wet hair.
Wear your hair in a loose french braid
Going to bed with wet hair and want to wake up with some extra body and waves? Try braiding your hair in a loose french braid before hopping into bed. Once you’re out of the shower, pat your hair dry with a towel before adding a pump or two of curl cream to your hair, from mid-shaft to the ends. Then, loosely french braid your hair (you can create two braids or one) and secure the ends with a no-crease hair tie, like a small scrunchie.
Use a leave-in conditioner
The biggest complaint you’ll find about sleeping with wet hair is the frizz you inevitably wake up to. To avoid a frantic and frizz-filled morning, spritz leave-in conditioner into damp hair and use a brush to comb the product through the hair. This helps to hydrate the hair overnight while taming flyaways.
Invest in a satin pillowcase
If you’re someone who goes to bed with wet hair often, you might want to consider resting your tresses on satin. Unlike cotton, which can absorb moisture and cause excess friction damage to your hair, satin pillowcases will be more forgiving and allow your wet hair to move more freely and prevent creases while you sleep.
If you have curly hair, satin pillowcases can also be great for sleeping with dry curls. And, for straight hair, they can help to prevent overnight tangles too.
Don’t sleep with sopping wet hair
Whatever you do, do not fall asleep with sopping wet hair. If you don’t at least towel-dry your tresses before hitting the hay, you’ll end up with still-wet hair in the morning, along with a very wet pillowcase.
Don’t put it up in a bun every night
If you’re a frequent nighttime showerer, avoid putting your hair up in a bun or ponytail every night. Putting so much pressure on your wet strands is a recipe for disaster, and will cause excessive damage and a lot of broken baby hairs around the front of your face. So, even if you use the best shampoo and conditioner and wash your hair the right way, you’ll undo a lot of your great work in your sleep.
Change your pillowcases often
If you do have to go to bed with wet hair, it’s inevitable that your pillowcase will get a bit wet and damp overnight. There is research that has shown that some pillows (especially the ones made with synthetic materials) can harbor allergy- or asthma-triggering fungus and molds, which tend to grow in damp environments. There is no evidence that suggests that people who sleep with wet hair experience more asthma or allergy symptoms, but it’s probably a good idea to wash your pillowcases in hot water at least once a week, just in case.
Look After Your Locks – Especially If You’re Sleeping with Wet Hair
Hopefully by now, you understand that sleeping with wet hair isn’t ideal. But, we understand that sometimes these things just can’t be avoided. So, if you do have to sleep with wet hair once in a while, don’t panic. Use our top tips to minimize any risks and remember to give your hair plenty of TLC with hair care products customized for your specific hair type and lifestyle. To find out more about how to curate your ideal routine, book in for a consultation with our hair care experts today.
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