What to Do When You Use Too Much Hair Product

Solutions For Too Much Product in Your Hair
Unfortunately, there’s no single solution that will fix every hair mishap. Oil makes your hair feel greasy, while too much hairspray can make your hair hard and crunchy.
We’ve listed some of the best options. Pick the right one for you based on what product you used, your hair type and what you have available.
Water is good for almost every type of hair product, as it dilutes and loosens any product you use. You want a light touch with the water, so it’s best to use a misting spray.
After misting your hair, brush with a wide-toothed comb or boar bristle brush. This distributes the product evenly throughout your hair and can even remove some excess.
Dry Your Hair
If your hair is still wet, it can be difficult to tell if you have too much gel or if it’s dampness making your hair look oily. Start by drying your hair to understand the scope of the problem. It’s possible that once your hair dries, you’ll find that the amount of product you used is just right.
Brushes and combs loosen products up, getting rid of any stiffness. Run your brush through any areas where you’ve used too much product.
Keep in mind that this is usually a better solution for products that leave your hair feeling hard or crunchy. Try it if you’ve used too much mousse or hairspray. If oils or gels are your problem, there are better options.
Dry Shampoo
Dry shampoo can absorb the excess moisture, allowing you to style as normal. To use it, spritz dry shampoo on your roots. Leave it to soak up the excess oil for five minutes, then brush it out.
Use heat to soften any products you used by using a blow-dryer, curling iron or flat iron to add heat to the affected area. A low setting helps protect your hair from damage while breaking down the product. Use just the blow-dryer for a straight style, or add a diffuser if you want to enhance your curls.
If you immediately realized you used too much product, it might only be impacting a small part of your hair. You can often wash it out without jumping back in the shower. Add some shampoo to that area of hair to wash it. Rinse under the sink or use a face washer to remove the shampoo. There’s no need to condition, just blow dry that section and start styling again.
Hair oil
Yes, it’s possible to use too much hair oil, but it can also be your savior if you use too much hairspray. Layering the oil over your hairspray adds moisture back to your hair.
Use it very cautiously, or you may end up with a different problem on your hands. Lightly apply a tiny bit of hair oil before brushing out the crunchiness of the hairspray and finishing your style.
Hide The Problem
Hiding the problem is generally a final resort. In these special cases, a braid, topknot or even a simple ponytail might be enhanced by your excess gel. If your hair is feeling crunchy, add beach spray and scrunch it up for an intentional messy look.
Don’t forget about scarves, headbands and hats. Accessories can bring style to any outfit and no one will know you’re having a bad hair day.
If you’re worried about styling, it can help to use the right products for your hair. A Prose hair consultation provides you with a customized formula designed for your individual needs. Our review process also ensures your hair care products evolve as your needs change.
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