7 Days, 7 Hairstyles: Short, Curly Hair

Are you stuck in a styling rut? Or maybe looking to make everyday feel like a special occasion? Well, we’ve got you covered. In our 7 Days, 7 Hairstyles series we showcase a new look for each day of the week on four different hair types. In this post we’ll focus on hairstyles for short, curly hair created by Paris. Let us know below which one is your favorite!

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    Day 1: Half-up braided style

    Let your curls loose while keeping a bit of structure to your style with two, small braids up top.

    Day 2: Sleek pony

    Business in the front, party in the back. A sleek, curly pony is perfect for the girl who wants it all.

    Day 3: Flat twist pigtail buns

    Get creative with your curls by combining two styles: braids and buns. Double trouble to a T.

    Day 4: Dutch pigtail braids

    This sporty look is perfect for any active day. It keeps your curls in check and in place.

    Day 5: Romantic chignon

    Bridgerton is calling! Romantic styles like this chignon are sure to be a hit at any gathering.

    Day 6: Half-up Bantu knot style

    Bantu knots are often shown over a full head of hair, but why not forgo the typical and wrap up just one? This style let’s your curls breathe while also keeping them off your face. 

    Day 7: Partial pin back

    Show off your face and curls at the same time. This pinned back look celebrates your curly hair and is also the perfect excuse to break out some cute hair pins or clips.

    For more hairstyle how-tos visit our Instagram here. Say bye to boring hair days!