The Benefits of Aloe Vera Juice for Hair

Ancient remedies have stood the test of time for good reason: They actually work. One of them is aloe vera, which has been used for centuries for its healing properties. A favorite in holistic beauty and wellness, aloe vera is a plant with thick leaves that has a gel-like juice inside, which is what is applied to our hair and skin. Naturally soothing and cooling, aloe vera juice is used to heal burns and cuts, as well as hydrate dry patches of skin. Aloe vera juice for hair can help strengthen strands and boost scalp health.

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    Aloe vera is sold in many forms and can be found in a range of skin and hair care products. However, the best and most potent option is using the raw gel of the plant. It’s easy to DIY your own by cutting open the leaves from a live plant and scooping out the gel, which is clear and watery. Or, you can buy the gel from a pharmacy.

    Since aloe vera is gentle, it is usually safe for most people to use and won’t cause irritation. However, there is always a small risk of an allergy, so it’s best to do a patch test. Rub a small amount of aloe vera onto the inside of your wrist. Wait two hours to see if your skin reacts to it, such as with any redness or irritation. Another thing to keep in mind is that aloe vera can increase the amount of cortisone that is absorbed by your skin when used together, so hydrocortisone users should be wary.

    Why Is Aloe Vera Good For Your Hair?

    Wondering exactly what aloe vera juice does for your hair? Here’s a breakdown of the biggest benefits:

    1. It Soothes an Itchy Scalp

    Good news for those who deal with a flaky scalp: Incorporating aloe vera juice into your haircare routine can ease itching and flaking. In fact, research has found that aloe vera juice for hair helps stop redness in the scalp linked to flakes, since the fatty acids in aloe vera have soothing properties.

    2. It Cleanses Deeply

    Forget the detox shampoo—aloe vera juice for hair is the natural alternative. Especially helpful for oily scalps, it’ll cleanse hair of extra sebum and oils, as well as product buildup, without stripping strands.If you’re looking to create a healthy hair regimen, using a product with aloe vera juice can be a great start.

    3. It Strengthens Hair

    Stronger strands are a major perk of aloe vera juice for hair. It’s chock full of vitamins A, C, and E, which help boost cell turnover, leading to healthy cell growth. These vitamins also help protect hair from free radical damage.

    4. It Hydrates

    Aloe vera is a natural humectant, meaning it can lock in moisture while attracting moisture from the air. That translates to adding and holding onto hydration in the hair. If you’re looking for a hair mask for damaged hair, keep an eye out for products that contain aloe vera.

    5. It Cares For Hair and Skin After Sun Exposure

    One of the most popular uses for aloe vera is cooling and soothing skin after sun exposure, especially after sunburn. Aloe vera has cooling properties and those can help ease sun damage to hair as well as skin.

    6. It Promotes Healthy Hair Growth

    Since aloe vera leaves the scalp extra clean and strengthens strands, that in turn helps lead to less breakage and healthier hair overall. As a result, that can help when growing out your hair. But, keep in mind that aloe vera hasn’t been clinically proven to help hair grow faster.

    7. It Adds Shine

    All those vitamins and minerals that aloe vera is rich in make for healthier hair, hence extra shine. Strands will be softer, too, with regular use.

    How to Use Aloe Vera Juice For Hair

    While you can buy hair products infused with aloe vera juice, you also have the option of going the DIY route. Give these options a try:

    How Prose Sources the Aloe Vera In Its Haircare Products

    Aloe vera juice can be found in Prose’s dry shampoo where it helps to support scalp detox, promote scalp hydration, and aid in soothing irritation. Since 2013, Prose’s supplier in Mexico has set up a certified Fair for Life network and collaborates with a producer and his team of 15 pickers. The team maintains the plots, takes care of the crops, and loads the truck with whole, fresh leaves to send to the juice factory. Harvesting consists of cutting the fleshy, outer leaves of the plant several times a year, without removing the heart. Rotation of the plantations with other crops is also practiced so as not to exhaust the soil. 

    Aloe vera juice for hair can help to soothe your scalp and lessen irritation, aiding in overall hair health. To incorporate this ingredient into your haircare routine, take the Prose hair consultation and discover your  unique formula. Choose from custom hair masks, shampoos, and conditioners