Plenty of multi-syllabic additives that end in suffixes such as “ate” or “ite” are not only not harmful, they are extremely beneficial to your hair. Those suffixes are just part of the language of chemistry, helping scientists identify the source from which the ingredient is derived. For instance, rice ferment filtrate is just filtered rice water, and citronellyl methylcrotonate is just a derivative of lemongrass essential oil (citron=lemon). The difference between “ate” and “ite”? Nothing more sinister than the ingredient’s oxygen content.
Still skeptical? Rest assured that at Prose we are dedicated to using only the highest-quality ingredients we can find. And we’ve devoted years of ethical testing and refining to create our current collection of 80-plus hair care additives. Some may end in -ate and others in -ite, but they’re all safe for your hair—and your health.
To create your own customized Prose haircare collection, get started here.
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