9 Hair Routine Hacks for Quicker Mornings

Shampoo minus the shower
When you wake to hair that is lank or greasy—but don’t have time to cleanse—just spray dry shampoo at your roots, wait one full minute (brush your teeth or pop your morning supplements while waiting to be efficient), then finger tousle. Voila—instant volume. This hair hack is commonly touted because it’s easy and it works, says Candy Diaz, a stylist in New York City.
Splurge on a salon blowout
For those of us who blow-dry our hair, you may have noticed that a professional blow-dry lasts days longer than a DIY job. Indulging in a styling session with your hairstylist every now and then enables you to quickly re-fluff in the morning—and race out the door.
Sleep strategically
The way you care for your hair while you snooze can greatly impact the state of your strands in the morning. A satin pillowcase minimizes friction (and thus, frizz), while “pulling your hair up into a high bun and securing with something soft like a scrunchie can boost volume and keep a blowout intact,” says Diaz. To keep straightened hair sleek, she also suggests wrapping your hair around your head and securing with a silk scarf.
A curly girl’s best friend for bedtime is a pineapple plus cloth scrunchie combination. Just pile your hair on top of your head and secure with a scrunchie to ensure that your curls won’t be disturbed while you’re sleeping. Or, if you’re looking to elongate your coils while sleeping, try splitting your hair down the middle, separate your hair into three sections, two on the side of your head and one on top, and then tie off those segments into three ponytails with scrunchies. While it might not be the most glamorous hairstyle, you will wake up amazed at how your curls have grown overnight.
Braid before bed
To style while you snooze, try weaving your hair into loose braids at night, then unwind them in the a.m. to reveal a beachy texture.
Pro Tip #1: Spray in a little salt or texturizing spray in the evening, before you weave your hair into braids. This will help keep your waves in tact throughout the night and next day.
Pro Tip #2: For even wavier results, just create more plaits.
Have a designated default ’do
A knot at your nape, a fishtail braid, a ballerina bun: You need at least one fail-safe style to pull out of your arsenal on those days when you oversleep and wake to major bedhead.
Simplify your style
If you find yourself constantly wrestling with layers that won’t lie right—or a stubborn cowlick in your baby bangs—you may want to consider a simpler cut. For straight or wavy textures, a nearly-all-one-length bob (or a lob, which is stylist-speak for a longer bob), is typically quick and easy to style, cutting down on chronic angst in the a.m. When it comes to curly hair, getting a cut with layers that fall into a round shape is the easiest way to maintain your style without having to get constant trims.
Try a little body building
There are few things that add body to limp locks more efficiently than old-school hot rollers. It typically takes under five minutes to roll them all in, and then you’re hands-free while you get dressed, apply makeup, or sip on coffee as they cool.
Focus on your face
When you feel like your hair is a disaster but you’ve no time to shampoo and start over, just dampen the hair around your face, and re-shape it with a blow-dryer and brush. If your hair is curly, dampen the front and either air-dry or diffuse. Then, just scrape the sides and back of your hair into a ponytail, knot, or braid.
Cheat with a treat
If you’ve no time to shower and shampoo, it’s also highly unlikely that you’ve recently slipped in a deep conditioning treatment. So, sneak one in while you pull yourself together. Just coat your hair with a treatment mask or oil, create a deep side part, and comb your hair back into a neat bun at the back of your head. This slicked-back look is both French-girl chic and so good for neglected strands. Rinse out in the evening, when you finally have a few seconds to step into the shower.
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